Our Vision, our Values and our School Prayer
Our Vision Picture: A Journey...
Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.
The vision picture tells the story of the school. The pupils not only had a hand in creating this, but also wrote the story behind it:
This image represents our school community. It is all about a journey. Our journey, and the school’s journey.
The school’s journey started way back when in 1831. In 1974 Archbishop Wake Junior School opened in Blandford on Park Lane and began inspiring young minds for the future. You can still see the old school on the old badge flying on the balloon. Flying high, but still very much a part of our history.
The new primary school opened in 2008.
The picture represents how we carry on our journey every day with the Blandford community. You can see the Blandford Parish Church where we all celebrate our achievements with God as a school community.
The rainbow shows our school values which helps us climb the highest hills in life: happiness; perseverance; co-operation; kindness; courage; honesty and respect. The Eagle soars along with the rainbow and motivates everyone in the community – it takes us under its wing. It is a key part of the quote from Isaiah and reminds us that problems are only things that can help you improve.
There are many things that show how the journey is important: the daily mile track is important for our health; the River Stour shows both sides of our community – the children and the adults; the bridge shows the journey from primary school to the future; the hills are not only those that surround Blandford, but they are also the ones we each have to climb to achieve.
You will see there are children stood outside the school – we are inclusive – everyone is welcome. We value creativity, community and co-operation.
This vision picture was created by children for the children of the school – past, present and future. The journey is ours to share together – sharing is caring. The choice of journey is ours to make – with God’s help.
Written by: Alex, Olivia, Rebecca and Romily.
Our Vision:
Aim high, believe. Fly high, Achieve.
"...but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40 v 31
Archbishop Wake CE Primary School is a loving, caring and forgiving community where we respect, appreciate and support each other and our environment. Through our Christian Vision and Values, we work hard to ensure there is support for all in our community: we treat everyone with dignity and respect, and we promote the values of hope and love through developing healthy relationships with one another. Learning is challenging, exciting and fun.
Children are prepared for the changing modern world in which they live by learning and applying key skills so that they achieve the best possible outcomes and become independent learners for life. They have opportunities to discover, develop and share their talents, know how to keep themselves safe and healthy and understand their rights and responsibilities as a member of the wider community. On leaving our school, children are well equipped to embrace their future and all it holds with faith in God, each other and themselves.
Our Values:
Happiness, Perseverance, Co-operation, Kindness, Courage, Honesty and Respect
The aims of Archbishop Wake CE VA School derive naturally from the Christian faith, which is at the heart of all we do as a school:
- To promote the Church of England vision for education: 'Life in all its fullness' through the values of Hope, Wisdom, Community and Respect.
- To create a community where everyone is able to flourish in a safe, stimulating and purposeful environment.
- To care actively for each other and treat everyone with respect and tolerance.
- To enhance and fulfil every child's potential and enable all - adults and children - to flourish.
- To create a sense of the school as an extended family unit, developing positive links with the home, community and other schools.
- To foster in our children a love of life-long learning.
- To develop a communal sense of pride in our school and in all our endeavours.
Living God's way with happiness is the best way forward in life. 1 Timothy 6:6
Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us that is before us.
Hebrews 12:1
God has also given each of us different gifts to use...so we can work together for God.
Romans 12:6
Do to others as you would have them do to you.
Luke 6:31
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
Do not tell lies about others.
Exodus 20:16
Pay others the honour and respect you owe them.
Romans 13:7
Our School Prayer
Bless our school and our community
That working together we believe and achieve
When playing together we respect everyone and everything
Help us to show our school values in all we do
And help us to be happy, to never give up and to aim high and fly high.